A movement to inspire a new kitchen culture, because a healthier culture makes for a healthier business
National Restaurant Association and UFS Talk Workforce Development
Experts weigh in on what it takes to be fit for the future in foodservice.
Let’s Bring Mental Health Out to the Pass
It’s time to remove the taboo surrounding kitchen and lifestyle stressors.
At Mixtli, Communication Leads to Low Turnover & Ongoing Success
The chefs at Mixtli in San Antonio rely on the suggestions and feedback from their staff for success.
Chef Amanda Cohen on Positivity in the Kitchen
When your staff is complimented on a job well done, the results are extremely positive.
Kelly Fields on Creating a Kind, Caring Kitchen
Watch Chef Kelly Fields discuss how she modeled her kitchen on lessons learned from other restaurants. Under her leadership, ev...
Chef David Bancroft on Why Chefs Need to Prioritize Self Care
Watch how Chef David Bancroft helps keep his staff inspired and motivated by encouraging them to take breaks.
Live the Values of the #FairKitchens Code
Watch what it means to live the TEAMS code. A small commitment can lead to huge results.
The Difference a Fair Kitchen Makes
Watch what staff have to say about the positivity, energy, and opportunities that are created when teams commit to making a fai...
Watch How Chef Claudette Zepeda-Wilkins Excites Passion Within Her Team
Her unique mission is to take care of employees first, then the guests—the food comes last.
Hear from Those Making Change Happen
Chefs and owners alike are working to ensure their restaurants live into the #FairKitchens movement. Learn what you can do to help build a brighter future for the foodservice industry.
6 Traits of Effective Teams
There’s no “I” in concasse. Teamwork in the kitchen is critical for creating the best food experiences.