
Ingredients per serving


Marinate the Fish

  • Salt, to taste
  • Sugar, as needed
  • Sea bass fillets, skin removed, cut into 4 pieces 450.0 g

Prepare the Carrot and Ginger Puree

Prepare the Ravioli

  • Butter 15.0 ml
  • Peas, blanched, pureed 120.0 g
  • Mint 8.0 g
  • Wonton skins 24.0 each
  • Egg, beaten 1.0 each

Finish the Dish

  • Morels, fresh 35.0 g
  • Peas, fresh 75.0 g
  • Dill, chopped for garnish
  • Tarragon, chopped for garnish
  • Carrot tops, chopped for garnish
  • Lemon, juiced for garnish
  • Olive oil, as needed

Seared sea bass in a light puréed carrot and ginger sauce, garnished with morels and peas for a colourful taste of spring.



  1. Marinate the Fish

    • Sprinkle both sides of the sea bass with salt and sugar. Place in refrigerator to cure for 30 minutes.
  2. Prepare the Carrot and Ginger Puree

    • Add the carrots, ginger and carrot juice to a sauce pan. Add the prepared Knorr® Professional Liquid Concentrated Vegetable Base and bring to a simmer.
    • Once the carrots are tender, add the mixture to a blender and puree until smooth. Add a little carrot juice to thin out if needed.
    • Pour the pureed mixture back into the sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Add salt, pepper, and lemon juice, adjusting seasoning to taste. Set aside.
  3. Prepare the Ravioli

    • Place the blanched, pureed peas in a bowl and add the mint, salt, and pepper, adjusting seasoning to taste. Place the mixture into pastry bag.
    • Set out wonton wrappers and brush edges with egg wash. With the pastry bag, pipe out a small amount of filling into the center of 12 wonton wrappers. Place the top of the wrapper on and press firmly on the edges to seal. You can use a fork, or ravioli press.
    • Boil the ravioli until cooked through. Strain and toss with a little butter.
  4. Finish the Dish

    • Rinse sea bass and pat dry. Season with salt.
    • Pan sear sea bass on both sides in olive oil.
    • In another sauté pan, heat oil and add morels and cook until tender. Add fresh peas and sauté until cooked.
    • To plate, add Carrot and Ginger puree to bottom of dish, add three ravioli, and place fish on top. Spoon sautéed morels and peas over the fish. Garnish with tarragon, carrot tops and dill, and a squeeze of lemon juice.
Chef Inspiration