
Prepare Cured Eggs

  • Jaunes d’œuf 10.0 unité
  • Oyster Sauce, GF 90.0 ml
  • Gousses d’ail écrasées 4.0 unité
  • Sauce de poisson 90.0 ml
  • Sauce Worcestershire 90.0 ml
  • Miel 60.0 ml
  • Tabasco 30.0 ml
  • Maille Moutarde de Dijon à l’Ancienne 4 x 3.7 kg 20.0 ml

Prepare Tartare

  • Ketchup 30.0 ml
  • Tabasco 10.0 ml
  • Sauce Worcestershire 30.0 ml
  • Sel et poivre, au goût
  • Beef meat 1000.0 g

Finish the Dish

  • Radis 5.0 unité
  • Asperges vertes, blanchies 10.0 unité
  • Brins d’aneth 10.0 g
  • Échalotes, petites 5.0 unité
  • Huile d’olive, au besoin
  • Hellmann's Mayonnaise, as needed
  • Cornichons 100.0 g
  • Câpres 50.0 g
  • Shallots 3.0 unité
  1. Prepare Cured Eggs

    • Mix the ingredients for the marinade and pour into a wide, shallow tray (this stops the yolks from touching each other and opening).
    • Gently place the yolks in the marinade.
    • Cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours.
  2. Prepare Tartare

    • Chill beef in freezer 15 minutes, cut into pieces of 0.6 cm. Combine with Tabasco, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper.
  3. Finish the Dish

    • Half the shallots lengthwise, brush with oil and place cut side down in a skillet. Bake until scorched.
    • Slice the radish and cut the asparagus diagonally into little pieces.
    • Use a round cutter to form the steak tartares. Place an egg yolk in the middle. Garnish with chopped cornichons, capers, shallots and brûléed shallots, salad leaves and dill tops.
    • Finish with dots of mayonnaise