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Once you have completed all the modules, you have the option to take a short assessment in order to receive a Certificate of Completion from The Culinary Institute of America. Note that this certificate does not constitute any accreditation or certification to The Culinary Institute of America.

Module 2: Self Awareness & Self Management

In organizations of every kind, the culture starts at the top. You, the Chef, set the tone in your kitchen. You have the power to create a workplace that people don’t want to leave.

But the first step in being that kind of leader is to know yourself. You have to read your own moods and understand how you’re coming across, how others see you. You have to manage yourself before you can manage others.

In this module, we’ll examine why self-awareness is so important for a leader, what true resilience means, how to recognize and manage stress in yourself and others…and why “toughing it out” is rarely the best practice. Finally, you’ll learn the elements of a 360 Review, a tool for gathering insights about your own leadership style. 

Length: 25-30 minutes

Chef Inspiration