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Once you have completed all the modules, you have the option to take a short assessment in order to receive a Certificate of Completion from The Culinary Institute of America. Note that this certificate does not constitute any accreditation or certification to The Culinary Institute of America.


Module 4: Recruitment & Onboarding

Hiring is one of the most time-consuming tasks any chef faces. You need to find not just the right person for the job, but the right person for the organization or the team.

In this module, you’ll learn how to recruit for diversity and eliminate bias from your hiring process. You’ll hear tips on how to write inclusive job descriptions and how to identify the most suitable people, not just the most skilled.

The chefs and HR experts interviewed for this module believe that hiring is only the beginning of the relationship. A thoughtful, strategic onboarding process gives the new employee a running start on success.

Chef Inspiration