
Ingredients per serving


Prepare the Chicken

  • Chicken Breast, cut into 3 oz. portions 1.75 kg
  • Mushrooms, quartered 1.0 kg
  • Extra virgin olive oil 60.0 ml

Prepare the Sauce

A reinvented classic Italian favorite. Juicy chicken breast pieces with a tomato and roasted red pepper sauce with a briny burst of flavour from Kalamata olives.



  1. Prepare the Chicken

    • Toss chicken and mushrooms in a bowl and coat evenly with olive oil. Place on a large sheet pan, lined with parchment paper and brown in a 250 C oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  2. Prepare the Sauce

    • Sweat the onions in a large pot, then add garlic and fresh oregano. Cook for 2-3 minutes.
    • Add wine and reduce by half. Add tomatoes, roasted red peppers, olives, black pepper, prepared Knorr Chicken Base, and the browned chicken and mushrooms. Simmer for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Finish the Dish

    • Plate over whole wheat pasta, brown rice or quinoa.
Chef Inspiration