
Ingredients per serving


Prepare the Chicken

  • Chicken breast, boneless, skinless (about 150 g. ea.) 1.55 kg

Prepare the Paste

  • Garlic 35.0 g
  • Chillies, red 6.0 g
  • Galangal root 6.0 g
  • Coriander seeds 1.0 g
  • Black peppercorns 7.0 g
  • Cinnamon, ground 7.0 g
  • Shallots, fine diced 25.0 g
  • Lemongrass 20.0 g
  • Fish sauce 75.0 ml
  • Lime juice, freshly squeezed 60.0 ml
  • Kaffir lime leaves 10.0 each
  • Cumin seeds, toasted, prepared 6.0 g
  • Green cardamom pods, individual 4.0 each

Prepare the Curry Sauce

Finish the Dish

  • Peanuts 30.0 g
  • Cilantro, chopped, for garnish 3.0 g
  • Peppers and onions, mixed, sliced (95 g. per portion) 950.0 g

Authentic Indian Curry, packs a punch of flavour without being overly spicy.



  1. Prepare the Chicken

    • Cut the chicken into 2.5 cm dice.
  2. Prepare the Paste

    • Peel the garlic and work to a fine paste, add to the diced shallots, put aside.
    • Trim, peel and rinse all remaining paste ingredients. Food process all remaining ingredients into a paste.
    • Mix the garlic and shallots into the paste and reserve. Store, refrigerated.
  3. Prepare the Curry Sauce

    • Put all the Curry sauce ingredients in a saucepan and cook at medium heat for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat. Store, refrigerated.
  4. Finish the Dish

    • For each portion, fry30 mlof the paste in oil for 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Add portions of chicken, then add95 g.of vegetables and continue to stir-fry, until the chicken starts to brown. Ladle in a portion of sauce and cook for another 15 minutes.
    • Garnish with peanuts and coriander.
Chef Inspiration